Bob Reynolds Virtual Studio Membership (2021)
This is an alternate payment method for customers unable to use PayPal.
*6-month subscription gives you one month FREE
**Annual subscription gives you two FREE months + a 45-minute one-on-one session with Bob (to be scheduled at an agreed upon time within the year).
About the Virtual Studio:
My goal is to give you EVERYTHING I would in a private lesson ($300/hour) for a fraction of the cost.
You get:
- new lessons each month
- new challenges each month (optional)
- access to ALL the lessons I've made in the past 6 years
- our private (and very supportive) community of hundreds of like-minded players
- access to personal feedback & guidance from me (let me help you FOCUS your practice time!)
...all for only $49 per month.
Q: Do I have to play sax to enroll in your lessons?
Not at all. If I had to guess, I’d say roughly 15-20% of all the material in the site is “saxophone specific”. The vast majority of it will apply no matter what instrument you play. Watch this quick video for more on that.
Q: Are your lessons right for me?
Whether you’ve been playing for a few years or more than 20, the answer is most likely YES. But, it depends on a few things. Watch this quick video for a more thorough answer.
Q: Is there a minimum amount of lessons I have to complete, or minimum amount of participation in the forum necessary, to remain in the course?
Nope, no minimum requirements. It's 100% go at your own pace. The lessons, courses, and on-going challenges are all designed to give you inspiration and motivation, but it's up to you how and when you fit it into your schedule.
Q: I would like to enroll but will not be around my sax for a couple of weeks, so I won't be able to do much in the beginning.
No problem. Again, this is not a school. You won't get an F for not showing up to class the first week. ;)
Hope that helps.
See you inside!
—Kyle W.